The excellent Jehangir Dalal, without whose generosity Foxtrot would not have been written, has been a friend of the colossal saxophonist Sonny Rollins for more than five decades. He recounts their association in this heartwarming video.
Hi, Naresh ,
This is Raymond ( son of Mervyn Francisco ) i had exchanged emails with you about 3 yrs ago , and with your help i tracked down my uncles , aunts, and half sister.
And for that im ever thankful , i just came to know a few days ago that you know someone who knew my father ,
a drummer named Mervyn Francisco , i would like very much to talk to him or to meet up with him , so if its not to much of a bother to you , can you please let me know his cell number or Email Id so i can get in touch with him .
Again i say im so sorry to worry you , but it will be a big help to me,
Thanking you
Raymond Francisco
I have recently acquired a postcard of a dance band, with written on it: “Mayfair Serenaders, Bombay, 1933.”
I’ll happily send you a scan of this if you can let me have a viable e-mail address to which to send it.
Michael Meadowcroft
Hi Naresh,
I just started reading your book which I am enjoying immensely. I am the author of several books on the history of the jazz age in Shanghai including Shanghai’s Dancing World and Shanghai Nightscapes. I am planning to visit Mumbai soon and would like to meet you if possible, ditto if you ever come to Shanghai (happy to give you my historical tour of the jazz scene). Please email me if you get a chance. –Andrew